Let's Talk About It - Loneliness

Let's Talk About It - Loneliness
Westgate Chapel Sermons
Let's Talk About It - Loneliness

Jan 09 2022 | 01:30:08

Episode January 09, 2022 01:30:08

Hosted By

Rob Zimmermann

Show Notes

Rob Z.

One of the many issues raised during the pandemic was that of loneliness. Yet, what the pandemic did was only heighten what was already a real issue residing below the surface in American culture. While many people feel broadly known, few feel known deeply. It’s been said that the cry of being lonely is really a cry that nobody cares. Join us this week as we talk honestly about how we were created for community, that God understands our loneliness, and He desires to meet us in the midst of our loneliness and provide a way out.

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