Storyteller: The Parables of Jesus - The Scandal of Grace

Storyteller: The Parables of Jesus - The Scandal of Grace
Westgate Chapel Sermons
Storyteller: The Parables of Jesus - The Scandal of Grace

Apr 25 2021 | 01:25:53

Episode April 25, 2021 01:25:53

Hosted By

Rob Zimmermann

Show Notes

Rob Z.

We live in a world that scoffs at the notion of "bad" people entering heaven and "good" people going to hell. The idea that a murderer who surrenders his life to Jesus would enter heaven, while a sweet little old lady who doesn't believe in Jesus would not... seems fairly scandalous. Yet, this is the same thing the religious leaders of Jesus' day wrestled with. In response, Jesus tells a story that shines an incredible light on the grace of God and invites us to a deeper understanding of His grace for all of us! Join us as Pastor Rob dives us into the Parable of the Lost Son.

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